Tuesday, October 26, 2010

; )


The sky is blue
it is so pretty
the moon is white
it is so pretty

Ur smiles are red
it is so pretty
ur face is pink
it is so pretty

ur love is hot
it is so pretty
ur smile is warm
it is so pretty

ur grace is astounding
it is so pretty
ur moves undeniable
it is so pretty

ur laughs a music
it is so pretty
ur voice a rainbow
it is so prety

what u do always is so pretty
what u emote always is so pretty
everything u do is so pretty
pretty is u is well define u
and always of always in my ugly hearts
u are n only u are
the u
are the most pretty =)


  1. haish. kenapa letak font susah nak baca ni? mencabar tau. haha.

  2. susah ke @@ , aku bace oke je :P agaknye lain browser kot hehehe.

  3. hmm dah cek guna internet explorer. mmg jadi symbol. sini gune firefox :P x tau plak bile tuka browser jauh sgt beza font hehhe

  4. pakai chrome la. explorer lambat sangat.

    o, lain-lain browser pun boleh effect font ke. ingatkan sengaja pakai font susah baca ni. selama ni fikir: apa ke pelik la tulis blog pakai bahasa isyarat. hahaha :D

  5. hhahha tu la. x prasan plak. agaknye nak kene tuka gune chrome. hmm tgk la cemane =)
