Friday, May 6, 2011

fallen again

    ~  =)   ~

o little princess
my beloved of only
i watch u from afar
so far that i longed
but u lingers always
in this sacred garden
like beautiful butterfly 

in my puzzled hearts

o dearest of mine
let u play freely in this world
to see you getting far
to see you d forget
and how it hurts for every inch you and me
but i never bound you :)
never i would
and never i could
to put a string between us
due strings give scars
and for the love for me you
i will never hurt

o my lovely you
how my breath lack because of you
my focus blur never content
an ache of every time and places
hope prejudice and worriness
random lunacy that i commit
a sickness of delusional
you are the bane
yet you too the cure of all :)

i cared for you
i really do
and i promised my self
never i do
to let me regret
the care i for you
forever be

for only you i suffer
only you i smiled


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