I hav heard of a story if why we need to recite al-Quran although
we didnt know the meaning:
There s a father and a child.
A child ask " father y we need to recite the quran although not yet to know the meanings"
The father smiled and reply " dear son, i ll show u but 1st can i ask u a favor?"
The child looks to his father.
"Sure father" and smiled.
"There's a dirty basket used for carrying coal and there s a big bucket there for storing water . Go feel the bucket with water by that river there using the basket . go :) "
The child frown, and looks at he basket.
"But father, the basket is not suitable of carrying water..it got holes..so , i dont think.."
The father smiled" Dear, you will understand it later, but firstly..try do of what is asked u to do ;)"
The child nods and do as what his father instructed him to do.
After a couples of round the child become exhausted and it seems, the basket kept leaking and will never manage to reach the bucket when the time comes for him to pour it to the bucket.
At last, the child surrender.
"Father, im sory..i just..."puff puff" cant fill the water, it is just impossible. sory father"..puff puff.
The father brought him a flask of cool drinking water and he began to drink it.
He then began to caress him with care.
"Son , do u know what u have achieve?"
The son looks to his father eyes and didnt fathom.
"No father, please do tell"
Smiled " Son looks at the basket, what did u see?"
The child looks " Id see nothing.."
"See it again..do u noticed anything different? dear son"
Looking carefully, he replied.
" Accept for the basket become more clean, i do not see anything different"
The father give a soft laugh and he said.
"Exactly son!...the basket is now cleaned ;)... this persona can be said as to reciting the Quran, although its looks like nothing to u my dear one, but the act is a cleansing act ,note this and remember it always. If u do something good, Allah will always rewards u with an unexpected twist ;)"
The child ponder for a while and the give a brightful smile and thanks for the meaningful explanation. The father welcomed him :)
For me ;)
A good person's life will always be tested by Allah.
And He will reward u with unexpected gift for your struggle and hardship :).
But u will always not see the rewards because it is to coincidental.
Look carefully in everywhere of ur life and eventually ull see it :)
Everything that is good comes from Him :D.
example from me ;)
i lost my psp and my handset(stolen)..
but a few month later i got a new high end computer and handset for free..
i didnt noticed this until i do some reminiscence of my life. And i thankful to God for the magnificent ways He had done to me :).
Alhamdulilah and Subhanallah.