Thursday, December 30, 2010

The sleepless nights

This is one of those sleepless nights
Where thoughts are no where near by
that the ceilings seems so far far away
and so many things tend to happen all at once

staring trough the red sky the night canvas
it's cold and the chills really stings
looking by that window
searching for a star that hides between the clouds
the dark trees really stood still
the fields so empty and looking more vast that usual
the lights from buildings a million dots
the earth's stars?then a simple smile

wondering am i the only one doing all this
enjoying and suffering..
..the solitude and the serenity
the world looks peaceful this way
when people are dreaming away from reality

my thoughts are away in reality
their thoughts are away in their dreams
is it so different?
both is harmless dont they? , i invite my smiles :)

it is late
and im too early
i better go to sleep


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tukang kebun

..Pohon2 kasih itu berputik cinta..
..di atas hati2 yang subur..
..disirami senyuman serba hangat..
..dibasahi rasa rindu amat..

..benih kasih itu asyik..
..bila mekar ia menawan cantik..
..siapa menyangka tidak tersedar..
..rupanya menyedut khasiat hati..
..jadinya hati ini kering rapuh..

..akar2nya jauh tercengkam..
..sejauh luas hati ini sendiri..
..buat diri lemah terbungkam..
..buat jiwa mati sendiri..

..bisa pohon itu mengalir..
..meracun segala pelusuk jiwa..
..menawar hati suatu ekstasi..
..tanpa sedar jiwa dinodai..

..Tapi takdir dia tersenyum..
..kebetulan dialah si tukang kebun..
..sang penunggu gelap jiwa sendiri..
..penjaga hati si pencabut cinta..

..lantas dicantas segala asyik..
..pedih rasa , sakitnya sangat..
..merentap kasih bukanlah senang..
..peritnya itu bukan kepalang..

..akar mesti dicabut sekali..
..menyentap segala isi hati..
..merentap paksa air mata bergenang..
..lalu tinggalkan luka yang x hilang..
..parut parut terkesan yang abadi..

..sesudah hati dijaga rapi..
..mengubati kesan yang dilukai..
..perlahan perlahan subur kembali..
..perlahan perlahan senyum kembali..

..musim itu datang lagi..
..dikala dingin sejuk sepi..
..kemudian angin hangat kembali.. tukang kebun tersenyum sendiri..

..senyuman penuh makna..
..dia mengerti..
..benih cinta telah datang lagi..

: )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

= )



..engkau akan fahaminya..


..engkau faham dahulu..

..erti dan sebab sebenar..




Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ghazali's Last

..Say to my friends..
..when they look upon me..
..Weeping for me and mourning me in sorrow..

..Do not believe that this corpse you see is myself..

..In the name of God..
..I tell you.. is not I..
..I am a spirit, and this is naught but flesh..
..It was my abode and my garment for a time..
..I am a treasure, by a talisman kept hid..
..Fashioned of dust, which served me as a shrine..
..I am a pearl, which has left it's shell deserted..
..I am a bird, and this body was my cage..
..Whence I have now flown forth and it is left as a token..
..Praise to God, who hath now set me free..
..And prepared for me my place in the highest of the heaven..
..Until today I was dead, though alive in your midst..
..Now I live in truth, with the grave - clothes discarded..

..Today I hold converse with the saints above..
..With no veil between, I see God face to face..
..I look upon "Loh-i-Mahfuz" and there in I read..
..Whatever was and is and all that is to be..
..Let my house fall in ruins, lay my cage in the ground..
..Cast away the talisman, it is a token, no more..
..Lay aside my cloak, it was but my outer garment..
..Place them all in the grave, let them be forgotten..

..I have passed on my way and you are left behind..
..Your place of abode was no dwelling place for me..
..Think not that death is death, nay, it is life..
..A life that surpasses all we could dream of here..
..While in this world, here we are granted sleep..
..Death is but sleep, sleep that shall be prolonged..
..Be not frightened when death draweth night..
..It is but the departure for this blessed home..
..Think of the mercy and love of your Lord..
..Give thanks for His Grace and come without fear..

..What I am now, even so shall you be..
..For I know that you are even as I am..
..The souls of all men come forth from God..
..The bodies of all are compounded alike..
..Good and evil, alike it was ours..
..I give you now a message of good cheer..

..May God's peace and joy for evermore be yours..

- Imam Al-Ghazali -

Thursday, November 11, 2010

layang layang hati =)

ku meniti jambatan langit
ke arah bulan bintang
kegelapan misteri
gemerlapan mutiara hati

jauhnya bumi kecil kelihatan
ku imbang-imbang di titian hidup
antara awan-awan dingin nyaman
terumbang ambing ditiup-tiup

ku senyum di sebalik takut
ku gembira hidup berbahaya
melompat di atas jaringan sehelai benang
hati ku besar melampaui akal-akal

seorang sahaja di atas ini
fenomena putih berseri
cukuplah ditemani camar-camar
aku cukup gembira ketika ini

berlari-lari di garisan ufuk senja
meniti sebelum hilang jadi malam
ketika itu aku terpesona
kejadian alam ciptaan maha berkuasa

khayal ku bagai layang layang
setinggi mana ku tetap di bumi nyata
terbang bersama angin dipandu oleh hati
sentiasa ku ingat tujuan ku melayang

Thursday, November 4, 2010

quote of the day :D

Quiting while you are ahead , is not the same as quiting
-American Gangsters-

Thursday, October 28, 2010

quote of the day :D

Always put your trust in Allah SWT even if He is leading you off a cliff...'Cause He's either going to catch you as you fall or He's going to teach you to fly

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

; )


The sky is blue
it is so pretty
the moon is white
it is so pretty

Ur smiles are red
it is so pretty
ur face is pink
it is so pretty

ur love is hot
it is so pretty
ur smile is warm
it is so pretty

ur grace is astounding
it is so pretty
ur moves undeniable
it is so pretty

ur laughs a music
it is so pretty
ur voice a rainbow
it is so prety

what u do always is so pretty
what u emote always is so pretty
everything u do is so pretty
pretty is u is well define u
and always of always in my ugly hearts
u are n only u are
the u
are the most pretty =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

kucing2 kecil


..kucing kucing yang kesejukan..
..di balik pohon2 sayu..
..mata mata yang berkaca kaca..
..guruh gempita mendayu dayu..

..menunggu ibu mereka..
..memanggil kesengsaraan..
..sembilu pelusuk hati mereka..
..jauh sebalik jerit hujan..

..kucing kucing yang kebuluran..
..menjadi tidak keruan..
..kelaparan jadi kerinduan..
..kesedihan jadi kekecewaan..

..masa masa yang berlalu..
..senyuman2 dan perasaan pilu..
..menunggu hidup tapi malu..
..menjadii kisah itu berlalu..

..tulang tulang yang kecil..
..di sebalik belukar itu..
..kasih2 yang terpencil..
..hilang dibunuhi masa lalu..

..kucing kucing masa lalu..
..kini kuat dan serba tahu..
..mengenal susah erti dunia..
..dewasa dengan segala kurnia..


Monday, October 18, 2010

quote of the day :D

"Islam is itself destiny and will not suffer destiny"

-Muhammad Iqbal-

Sunday, October 17, 2010

; D

Opick - Rapuh

detik waktu terus berjalan
berhias gelap dan terang
suka dan duka tangis dan tawa
tergores bagai lukisan

seribu mimpi berjuta sepi
hadir bagai teman sejati
di antara lelahnya jiwa
dalam resah dan air mata
kupersembahkan kepadaMu
yang terindah dalam hidup

meski ku rapuh dalam langkah
kadang tak setia kepadaMu
namun cinta dalam jiwa
hanyalah padaMu

maafkanlah bila hati
tak sempurna mencintaiMu
dalam dadaku harap hanya
diriMu yang bertahta

detik waktu terus berlalu
semua berakhir padaMu

Thursday, October 14, 2010

quote of the day :D

"kalau dalam hati dah terasa seperti ada taman, pagarilah ia dengan iman dan taqwa"

Requoted from a fren ; )

Monday, October 11, 2010

; (

ku mudah lalai dan sesat

ini sangat menyedihkan bila ku tersedar

moga moga sentiasa lah aku sedar

yang peringatan sentiasa ada di tepi2 itu

setiap tempat setiap saat

dan kan ku ambil pedoman akan ia

ternyata Tuhan maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihini

hina nya hina sangat2 ku tetap diberi peluang


; )

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My favourite story :)

بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِيۡمِ

: ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : )

Antara cerita2 indah yang telah kutemui dan ku sukai adalah cerita mengenai seorang insan yang tabah lagi cekal tapi selalu tersenyum , beliau bernama Julaibib r.a . Mungkin ada yang pernah terdengar perihal beliau tapi ku rasakan mungkin juga ramai masih tidak mengetahui. Kesempatan ini , ku ingin berceritakan perihal hidup Julaibib yang kusenangi dan kan ku ingat sepanjang hayat.

Julaibib nama diberi , digelar sedemikian , kerana tubuhnya yang kerdil tanpa tahu nasab atau siapa ibu bapanya , nama itu adalah simbolisme kepada segala yang tidak lengkap, cacat , luar kebiasaan. Sudah tentu , dia tidak inginkan nama yang buruk ini tapi apakan dayanya , itu sebutan orang ramai yang tidak termampu dia halang.
Perihal hidupnya susah tidak terbayang , apetah lagi di dalam masyarakat yang bergantung kepada tali persaudaraan ,perkauman, di kota Yathrib dimana tanpa kabilah maka tiadalah berkasta , maka ini adalah bencana sosial bagi seseorang itu pada masa itu.
Serba kekurangan dia berjuang untuk hidup dan dimana2 dia dicemuh masyarakat kerana rupanya , amat fakir kain badannya tidak pernah bersih sentiasa lusuh,fizikalnya yang kecil , kakinya rosak pecah tidak beralas ,tidur berbumbungkan langit diatas kerikil2 dan kesejukan malam. Padanya tiada satu pun harta yang berhak atasnya , cuma yang mampu adalah mengalas perut dengan air dari kolam2 awam. Bahkan tidak cukup dengan kesusahan ini , dia disisih masyarakat , Abu Barzah, pemimpin Bani Aslam, sampai-sampai berkata tentang Julaibib, “Jangan pernah biarkan Julaibib masuk diantara kalian! Demi Allah jika dia berani begitu, aku akan melakukan hal yang mengerikan padanya!”

Demikianlah Julaibib.Seolah dunia jauh benar menjadi sahabatnya.Seolah dunia ini mensisihkannya . Seolah hidupnya ini satu jenaka.Inilah yang ditempuhi Julaibib dari hari ke hari.

Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihani. Jika Dia berkehendak akan sesuatu maka jadilah ia tanpa sebarang sebab jika Dia mahu. Dan apabila Dia menurunkan rahmat Nya , tiadalah yang dapat menghalang. Julaibib mendapat hidayahNya , hadiah yang berharga , rezeki tidak ternilai , dari ufuk timur ke barat cahaya suci rebutan ramai yang tidak terjumpa dimana2 kecuali diberi Allah swt .Dengan itu, berkat hidayah dia slalu memenuhi saf paling hadapan, tidak kira ketika solat ataupun jihad. Walaupun semua orang memandang buta kewujudannya dan memperlaku seolah ia tiada , RasulAllah s.a.w , rahmat sekian alam selalu memerhatikanya dan mengasihinya. Suatu hari , ketika Julaibib duduk di masjid nabawi, Nabi Allah s.a.w menegur " Wahai julaibib " dengan lemah lembut suara baginda " Tidakkah engkau ingin bernikah?".

"Siapakah orangnya Ya Rasulullah", kata Julaibib, "yang mahu menikahkan putrinya dengan diriku ini?"

Jawabnya dengan lembut dan tetap tersenyum. Tanpa prasangka dengan soalan tersebut juga tidak terguris akan hakikat hidupnya ,wajahnya tenang dan air mukanya jernih. X pernah dia salahkan takdir , x pernah juga dia bermurung akan takdir. Percaya kepada Allah dan rasulNya, nescaya hidup tidak akan bersedeh rupanya.
RasulAllah tersenyum, Allah dan rasulNya lebih mengetahui.
Hari yang berikutnya, diajukan seolan yang sama kepada sang Julaibib, dan dibalas juga jawapan yang serupa. Berkali-kali.
Tiga kali. Tiga hari berturut2.

Dan di hari ketiga itulah, RasulAllah menggamit lengan Julaibib dan membawanya ke salah satu rumah seorang pemimpin Anshar. "Aku ingin", kata RasulAllah pada si empunya rumah, "menikahkan putri kalian."

"Betapa indahnya dan betapa barakahnya", begitu si wali menjawab berseri-seri, mengira bahwa sang Nabi lah calon menantunya. "Ooh.. Ya Rasulullah,ini sungguh akan menjadi cahaya yang menyingkirkan temaram di rumah kami."

"Tetapi bukan untukku", kata Rasulullah, "ku pinang putri kalian untuk Julaibib"

"Julaibib?", nyaris terpekik ayah sang gadis

"Ya. Untuk Julaibib."

"Ya Rasulullah", terdengar helaan nafas berat. "Saya harus meminta pertimbangan isteri saya tentang hal ini"

"Dengan Julaibib?", isterinya berseru, "Bagaimana bisa? Julaibib berwajah lecak, tak bernasab, tak berkabilah, tak berpangkat, dan tak berharta. Demi Allah tidak. Tidak akan pernah putri kita menikah dengan Julaibib"

Perdebatan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Sang putri dari balik tirai berkata anggun, "Siapa yang meminta?"

Sang ayah dan sang ibu menjelaskan.

"Apakah kalian hendak menolak permintaan Rasulullah? Demi Allah, kirim aku padanya. Dan demi Allah, kerana Rasulullah yang meminta, maka tiada akan dia membawa kehancuran dan kerugian bagiku". Sang gadis yang solehah lalu membaca ayat ini :

"Dan tidaklah patut bagi lelaki beriman dan perempuan beriman, apabila Allah dan RasulNya telah menetapkan suatu ketetapan, akan ada bagi mereka pilihan lain tentang urusan mereka. Dan barangsiapa mendurhakai Allah dan RasulNya maka sungguhlah dia telah sesat, sesat yang nyata" (QS. Al Ahzab : 36)

Dan Rasulullah dengan tertunduk berdoa untuk sang gadis solehah, "Ya Allah, limpahkanlah kebaikan atasnya, dalam kelimpahan yang penuh barakah. Jangan Kau jadikan hidupnya payah dan bermasalah.."

Doa yang indah.Mereka hidup bersama~

Maka benarlah doa Sang Nabi. Maka Allah kurniakan jalan keluar baginya. Maka kebersamaan di dunia itu tak ditakdirkan terlalu lama. Julaibib telah dihajatkan langit mesti tercibir di bumi. Ia lebih pantas menghuni syurga daripada dunia yang bersikap tak terlalu bersahabat padanya.
Gendang perang berkumandang,dan seruan ini Julaibib mara ke barisan hadapan, seperti kebiasaan.


Peperangan menentang kaum musyrikin tersebut akhirnya berpihak kepada kaum muslimin.

" Adakah sesiapa kehilangan angota keluarga dan rakan2?"
tanya Rasulullah.Mereka menjawab dan menjawab, kami kehilangan sekian dan sekian.Dan bertanya lagi nabi Allah, soalan yang sama kepada kumpulan yang lain.Dan mereka menjawab juga mereka telah kehilangan segelintir dan segelintir.Ditanyanya lagi , dan mereka menjawab , kami sudah kira semua dan tiada lagi yg tidak dikira.
Kemudian Rasulullah menjawab perlahan " Tapi aku telah kehilangan Julaibib , carilah dia"..

Maka ditemukanlah dia, Julaibib yang mulia. Terbunuh dengan luka-luka, semua dari arah muka. Di sekelilingnya terjelupuk tujuh jasad musuh yang telah ia bunuh. Sang Rasul, dengan tangannya sendiri mengafani Sang Syahid. Beliau saw mensolatkannya secara pribadi. Dan kalimat hari berbangkit. “Ya Allah, dia adalah bagian dari diriku. Dan aku adalah bagian dari dirinya.”

Di jalan cinta para pejuang, biarkan cinta berhenti di titik ketaatan. Melangkaui perasaan suka dan tidak . Melampaui batas cinta dan benci. Karena hikmah sejati tak selalu terungkap di awal pagi. Karena seringkali kebodohan merabunkan kesan sesaat. Maka taat adalah kepentingan yang kadang membuat perasaan-perasaan terkibas.

Tapi yakinlah, di jalan cinta para pejuang, Allah lebih tahu tentang kita. Dan Dialah yang akan menentukan pentas kepahlawanan para hamba2 yang taat. Dan semua akan berakhir seindah surga. Surga yang telah dijanjikanNya..

dia adalah bagian dari diriku
dan aku adalah bagian dari dirinya
-Rasulullah, tentang Julaibib-

Kisah ini diambil dan diterjemah dari beberapa website lain yang menceritakan kisah hidup Julaibib disamping juga yang telah diketahui dari ku.

: ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : )

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

happiness :D

is not about what happens to you , but how you choose to respond to what happens.That's why it's called happiness not happenness - though it could be called hope-ness. You must always leave room for hope that all has happened for

good cause. ^^

- Arthur Schorpenhauer

Thursday, September 9, 2010

rumus ; )

hidup ini sangat komplikated dan kompleks. =)
bagaikan rumus matematik yang sangat berserabut

tapi setiap rumus boleh disimplified.

dan apabila rumus hidup ini disimplied sampai ketahap yang paling ringkas

rumus itu hanyalah terdiri dari hubungan antara kita dan Tuhan ;)



mengetahui sesuatu itu cantik perlukan kefahaman dan kedalaman ilmu.
si cetek akal mengejar kecantikan yang sesaat, yg berpandangan jauh mengejar kecantikan yang berkekalan.~ x)


Friday, September 3, 2010

a smile

You can never lose hopes because hopes come from God and God is forever eternal. =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


i run to you if you need me

run from u if u detest

run to u again if u need me

again from u if u detest


know that
ur sadness is my weakness
and ur hapiness is my pleasure
pls be sincere when asking
due i hate being used
but no matter what the burdens is
sincerity is a worthy transactions =)
and being used is the most lowest insults

pls understand the heart is fragile
pls understand it can be cold as blood iron
pls understand i do smile
while my heart do cry


pls be sincere of ur feelings
cuz my hearts always so blind
only for u i gone blind


Saturday, August 28, 2010

cita cita

Ya Allah Tuhan yg tidak dpt dibanding dengan sekalian mahkluk ciptaan Nya.

Matikan lah aku dikalangan orang beriman

Matikan lah dlm keaadaan aku bertakwa kepada Mu

Mati kan aku dalam Iman yang paling Engkau senang

Masukkan lah ke dua ibu bapa ku kesyurga2 Engkau ya Allah Yang maha pemurah lg maha pengasihani

aku insan lemah , malah Engkaulah sahaja sumber kekuatan, tanpa Mu tiada lah segala..
Tunjukkan la aku jalan yg sebenar2 jalan yg Engkau redhai

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan yang maha berkuasa, aku hanyalah peminjam amanah dari Mu ,jangan la kerana amanah duniawi ini aku hanyut , berilah petunjuk2 Mu sentiasa ya Allah supaya aku tergolong dengan golongan yg sentiasa ingat Engkau ya Allah juga org yg sentiasa bersyukur walaupun tiada apa tinggal pada diriku.


Engkau mengetahui segala2 ya Allah


Friday, August 20, 2010


Is it love between you and your partner makes u remember God more , or even so makes u more forget the Creator of all.

floating thoughts ^^


aku slalu ikot forum forum dan kadangkala masih juga suprise dengan respons pelbagai bagai karenah manusia . dalam hidup aku pun begitu. maklumlah elemen2 dalam stages hidup ku ni sungguh unik dan pelbagai.

aku pernah jumpa mereka yang agnostik , bencikan konsep kewujudan Tuhan . dan mereka yang menemui hidayah Ilahi dan sangat2 menghargainya bagaikan sang ikan bertemu air di gurun kering ,yakni para mualaf2.

aku pernah terjumpa manusia yang x mahu mengalah x hal telah dipatah kan argument mereka dengan bukti yang sahih. dan aku juga pernah terjumpa org yg taklid buta ,terang2 tidak guna akal logik serta bukti yang nyata.

aku pernah jumpa org yg nampak bijak tp rupanya pendek akal dan yang lain nampak selekeh tp panjang akalnya.

aku pernah jumpa rakan yang sangat setia dan hatinya mulia, pernah juga jumpa pengkhianat hati busuk.

aku pernah jumpa orang yg ske mengambil kesempatan tanpa rasa segan silu kerana merasa itu hak mereka mencuri harta orang, dan aku juga pernah terjumpa org yang tersenyum , muka sangat tenang ketika harta bendanya dirampas orang.

aku pernah jumpa orang yang hidup nya sangat susah tp hati nya sangat murah . juga terjumpa orang hartawan bongkak lemas dalam nikmat dunia.

aku pernah terjumpa super hartawan zuhud yang sgt sederhana kerana pakaian nya sangat tidak menarik dan "free". juga pernah berjumpa si miskin tetapi terlalu "metro" gayanya kerana hanyut dek arus kemodenan barat.

aku pernah jumpa orang yang hari2 tgk "zina mata". juga mengetahui siapa yang matanya selalu menangis kerana cinta kan Tuhannya.

aku kenal orang yg kembaranya ke serata dunia menolong orang. juga melihat ramai orang x mahu menolong saudara seislam dizalimi depan mata.

aku juga tahu org yg suke menyampaikan berita baik kepada rakan2 rapat tentang segala yang die tahu, juga tahu siapa yang kuat mengeji dibelakang kawan2 nya.

kadangkala aku tahu bende yang aku x perlu tahu , tanpa perlu mencari kerana ia bisa datang sendiri , mungkin juga sebenarnye aku perlu tp aku aku x tahu aku perlukanya.. Allah knows best akan sesuatu^^

dunia ni betol bermacam2 orang dan keadaan. dan siapalah aku untuk judge seseorang itu dan event2 tersebut, segalanya terlalu dynamic.

Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku, Engkau lah Tuhan segala mahkluk,Yang maha mulia lagi maha mengetahui segala. Jauhkan lah perasaan ria' dari hatiku dan jauh kan lah hati ku dari perbuatan yang melalaikan ku dari Mu.
Jadikan lah aku hamba Mu yang sentiasa mengingati Mu setiap minit setiap saat setiap waktu.


Sunday, August 15, 2010



اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّي لا إِلَهَ إِلا أَنْتَ خَلَقْتَنِي وَأَنَا عَبْدُكَ وَأَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَمَا اسْتَطَعْتُ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا صَنَعْتُ أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَيَّ وَأَبُوءُ لَكَ بِذَنْبِي فَاغْفِرْ لِي فَإِنَّهُ لا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلا أَنْتَ

(O Allah! You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You.)

Shaddad ibn Aws (radiAllahu anhu) relates that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said that he (Sayyid al-Istighfar) most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah is to say (the above du'a). That "If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise; and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise."

[sahih al-Bukhari; 8,75,318, at-Tirmidhi; 3393, an-Nasa'i; 5522, Ahmad; 16662]


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

tears from hearts


My god

how gentle you are with me

in spite of my great ignorance

and how merciful You are with me

in spite of my ugly deeds


al-hikam ibnu Ataillah

Saturday, August 7, 2010


many years ago in a ward , sat me being warded due my kidney start to fail again for the 2nd time , so i need to stay there for a bout a week.
across my bed was an old man diagnosed by doctors saying that 1 of his lungs malfunctioned and the other one is failing ~ he was a heavy smoker during his younger age.

there s a commotion, there s been a death in the neighboring room. got so many relatives attending during his last breath. recitation of quran and everything b4 that.

as far as i can remember, there s 2 more death after that. i was walking around and catch glimpses on the deceased ~

of all that.. the weird thing is that .....i felt remorse not sadness no nothing~
i wonder why~

Sunday, July 25, 2010


how could u figure out the depth of someone's mind, if u never try to swim and felt the coldness in the pits of their deepest thoughts.

the barren surface of the ocean can never be a base of guess for what millions lively creatures live deep under aint it :)

i let u guys ponder of my thoughts above for a sec ;)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The dreaming


..Have u ever swam in a dream..
..Have u ever fall in a dream..
..Have u ever smile in a dream..
..Have u ever cry in a dream..

..Is the feeling always overwhelming?..
..And of which the reality matters..
..because a dream is actually a reality..
..a reality in your reality..

..and the vision is always unclear..
..but the feeling is always clear..
..and of which when u fell tears in the dreaming..
..the tears also flows in ur sleep..

..Is it u or someone else?..
..Is it them or someone else?..
..actors and actresses in alternate reality..
..ur felt like u actually knew them.. if them u want, but their message is the actual truth..
..they play their reality to convey u..
..a stage of dream of truth and ur own reality..
..deceived u by it then u re delusional..
..understand reality behind reality then u re wise..

..u dont want to wake up..
..but eventually u will..
..shocked or serened..
..or not at all when u die.. wake up and find the actual reality..
..and when u found it u find serenity..
..and shook ur self and leave ur vanity..

..signs is everywhere if u cleared ur minds.. concious and be aware..
..cuz both are enemy of the dreaming..
..due dreams can consume dreams.. a dreamer but dont be forever..
..a only..a dream..
and only reality matters


a thoughts after watching inceptions :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

:'0 !


Seekor katak yang dikerumuni ular2 lapar

menyamarnya juga untuk terus hidup

akulah seekor ular berupa katak!

sedangkan hakikat ular juga makan saudara

adakah penipuan itu suatu perlu?

maka sedarlah sang katak kebenaran

jika takdir mati maka matilah!

jika hidup maka ianya rezeki

dan mati juga rezeki org beramal

dan tiada guna bersedih atas kematian yang lain

kerana kita tidak pernah tahu akan amal dan iman

cuma hormatlah mereka!

teruskan legasi ilmu mereka!

pertahankan keimanan anak mereka!

ini sahaja yang bermakna dari tangisan sia sia

dan hakikat ini seekor katak tersenyum

kerana dimulut2 mereka sentiasa memuji yang Esa

tidak seperti manusia mahkluk lalai

dimulut sesetengah mereka hanyalah pujian2 konsep dajal

maka beruntunglah orang2 yang bertakwa dan beriman

dan Allah telah bagi jalan untuk mereka

maka mereka pilih dengan isi hati mereka sendiri

yang di bantu iman dan amal

dan juga hidayahNya

dan sesungguhnya telah tercatat diluhmahfuz

akan suratan hidup seseorang

bukan kerana pengakhiran itu telah ditetap

tp kerana Allah maha mengetahui

jalan2 yang dipilih adalah pilihan mereka sendiri

tetapi jalan2 yang dibina itu telah ditetapkan Allah

dan penghujung2 jalan yang mereka dapati juga telah ditetapkan Allah

bahkan Allah maha pemurah lagi maha pengasihani

walaupun di akhir jalan itu ditemukan mati

namun sesaat taubat nasuha juga dijanji syurgaNya

Allah yang tiada batasan masa dan tempat

Dia yang tiada sifat kesamaan langsung dengan makhluk2 ciptaannya

Dia yang mencipta segala-galanya

Segala puji bagi Allah ,Tuhan yang mencipta alam.


Saturday, June 26, 2010



.my current path of life.

.im goin to be an activist.

.gonna save people as much as i can.

.am gonna be poor and unpopular.

.but it is ockay.

.because my life is just between me and my God.

.and my God does not need money from me ^^ .

.God that provide me with everything to sustain as long as i strive for the best of me.

.thankful for it.

.i hope this path wont hurt people.

.i really hope so.


Monday, June 14, 2010

= )


..Memori memori indah masa lalu..
..bak silauan matahari hening tinggi..
..senyuman senyuman hangat..
..lirik lirik mata lembut bergembira..

..perjalanan jerih yang lama..
..memakan masa masa yang berlalu..
..fotografi memori tak kan hilang..
..ku tak kan lupa aku yang dahulu.. :)

..melihat aku yang masih kecil..
..melihat ku di cermin cermin silam..
..aku sang kecil risaukan masa hadapan..
..aku sang dewasa senyumkan masa lampau..

..bunga bunga wangi berwarna kuning..
..minta maaf ku baring diatas kamu..
..awan awan putih dan langit biru..
..izin kan aku khayal bawah kamu..

..tidak dapat tenang tanpa khayal..
..indah cantik ketenangan alam x terusik..
..sunnatullah orkestra alam yang asyik..
..zikrullah dan senyum,hati ini asyik.. :)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

= |

..Hujan renyai renyai yang kebiruan..
..Membawa irama rendah yang tenang..
..Angin angin lembut membelai sayang..
..berpusing pusing mengelilingiku..

..Ada sesuatu yang gelap di tengah ku..
..Merebak bagaikan wabak wabak..
..merobek robek fikiranku..
..menenggelamkan perasaan ku..

..Aku di jendela melihat kejauhan..
..Objek yang jauh di dalam hati hati ini..
..Terasa dekat walhal tidak kelihatan..
..Terasa jauh namun sentiasa disini..

..Aku mampu runtuh kan gunung..
..aku mampu keringkan lautan..
..aku mampu menjatuhkan raja..
..kenape x mampu menguasai hati diri ini..

..aku manusia yang kuat dan lemah..
..tanpa kedua hilanglah identiti..
..tanpa kedua hilanglah fungsi..
..tanpa kedua aku bukanlah aku..

..Aku ketawa kerana sedih..
..Aku menangis kerana gembira..
..Aku berlalu jika menyusahkan..
..Aku menunggu jika menyenangkan..

..Fikiran ku luas di dunia yang sempit..
..Mata ku jauh merentas dimensi..
..Aku buta pabila meneka hati..
..Aku sempit pabila meneka fikiran..

..Aku seorang di dunia sesak..
..Mereka yang ada bagaikan tiada..
..Aku yang ada dikatakan tiada..
..Biarlah aku ketawa seorang..

Saturday, May 29, 2010

One of my fav all time games ^^

Eyes On Me

Faye Wong

Whenever I sang my songs
On the stage on my own
Whenever I said my words
Wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs, just once more
My last night here with you
Maybe yes, maybe no
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh did you ever know
That I had mine on you

Darling so there your are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If a frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you
Close as I wanted to be
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
Did your ever know
That I had mine on you

Darling so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Your tears if you're holding back
Or pain if that's what it is
How can I let you know
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then
You will know that you're not dreaming

Darling so there your are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If a frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

hahhaha ttbe teringat kesah chenta 2 watak dlm game ni ^^
sweet gila, men game pun feeling2. :P

Monday, May 24, 2010

quote of the day :D

when the man learns to Love... he must bear the risk of hatred...

In loves with the nights ^^

starry beautiful nights
u got a moon of one of the kind
and when the sky are blacks
she s the brightest , the moon of mine ;)

blanket of common give u warmth
blanket of night leave u peace
though i loved the morning breeze kiss
love it more the night still's whisp :b

by me ^^


a beauty which never last
and bathe upon stolen bright
yet she is the queen of the night
rise in the absent of light
a master among the seas of star
and she is the queen of the night

by aus ^^

Thursday, May 20, 2010

quote of the day :D

life is j0urney,,not a destinati0n

Monday, May 17, 2010


4: may i come in?
11: of course ^^ ( smile brightfully )

Friday, May 14, 2010


sory..i dumb..
im sad..
i dont understand things..
i hav no regrets..
just got alots of memories..
sad memories that i tried to forget..
almost forget..
is easy to forget..
is more easy to remember back..
y the happy memories also seems sad now..
pls memories..
dun u all be sad..
i dun wan to be sad..
because sadness hate me..
cause sadness hurt me..
and they are not my friends..
and i need friends..
to makes me happy..
oh im sory friends..
i am greedy :( ..
looking back..
i dun wan to be greedy..
i dun wan to be selfish..
pls go away frens..
i dun want to be self-centered..
im not sincere..
im not needed..
my paranoia..
pls go away..
u exclude me from the world..
am im blaming u for the sadness?
im not..
do i?..
pls dont..
pls quiet..
im not crazy..
im just sad..
sad be mu fren?
will u?..
i m with my sadness..
im happy with it~

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I hav heard of a story if why we need to recite al-Quran although
we didnt know the meaning:


There s a father and a child.
A child ask " father y we need to recite the quran although not yet to know the meanings"
The father smiled and reply " dear son, i ll show u but 1st can i ask u a favor?"
The child looks to his father.
"Sure father" and smiled.
"There's a dirty basket used for carrying coal and there s a big bucket there for storing water . Go feel the bucket with water by that river there using the basket . go :) "
The child frown, and looks at he basket.
"But father, the basket is not suitable of carrying got , i dont think.."
The father smiled" Dear, you will understand it later, but firstly..try do of what is asked u to do ;)"
The child nods and do as what his father instructed him to do.
After a couples of round the child become exhausted and it seems, the basket kept leaking and will never manage to reach the bucket when the time comes for him to pour it to the bucket.

At last, the child surrender.
"Father, im sory..i just..."puff puff" cant fill the water, it is just impossible. sory father"..puff puff.
The father brought him a flask of cool drinking water and he began to drink it.
He then began to caress him with care.
"Son , do u know what u have achieve?"
The son looks to his father eyes and didnt fathom.
"No father, please do tell"
Smiled " Son looks at the basket, what did u see?"
The child looks " Id see nothing.."
"See it u noticed anything different? dear son"
Looking carefully, he replied.
" Accept for the basket become more clean, i do not see anything different"
The father give a soft laugh and he said.
"Exactly son!...the basket is now cleaned ;)... this persona can be said as to reciting the Quran, although its looks like nothing to u my dear one, but the act is a cleansing act ,note this and remember it always. If u do something good, Allah will always rewards u with an unexpected twist ;)"
The child ponder for a while and the give a brightful smile and thanks for the meaningful explanation. The father welcomed him :)

For me ;)

A good person's life will always be tested by Allah.
And He will reward u with unexpected gift for your struggle and hardship :).
But u will always not see the rewards because it is to coincidental.
Look carefully in everywhere of ur life and eventually ull see it :)
Everything that is good comes from Him :D.

example from me ;)

i lost my psp and my handset(stolen)..
but a few month later i got a new high end computer and handset for free..
i didnt noticed this until i do some reminiscence of my life. And i thankful to God for the magnificent ways He had done to me :).

Alhamdulilah and Subhanallah.

Friday, May 7, 2010

quote of the day :D

Mark Twain:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


look to the sky
and cry
look downward
and be humbled

U are a dot
Lost in the ocean of ignorance
be still and nothing would happen
Do! and there will be motions

A dot can be ripple
If there s a strive,it will thrive
but it has no weight
Smile! for brilliant dot can be heavy ;)

From the east ,walk to the west
Relativity , the beautiful minds
seek the knowledge , seek the rest
Develop ur wisdom ,u ll be the best

Among the first
is the heart
then there s voices of reasons
prevent evil pushing hands
Of the last
the sword of righteous

The color of sorrow
The color of unity
The color of hope
Is darker than black

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I decided to move my poems from my fb to here also. This place, is , as well my vault of hearts ;) where my feelings reside~

once upon a time , the stupid me become careless and fall in love with a girl that was not on his league. Amist of all that , he had wrote a love poem to convey his feeling. @@ that was 1 year ago.
While organizing his pc's documents , he again stumble with the poem he wrote and smile cuz was amaze on how deep and stupidly he had fallen at that time. and so cuz the poem had just be a little meaning to him he would like to share it to his friends :)

here goes :-

When I last hav a thought of u , it is of always..

When I last think of u , I beg myself for not to…

When I last try to exclude u , ur haunting is forever eternal…

When I last not to love u , thus my soul cease from existence..

I like u so I love u so..

U are there when mine is nowhere..

U always here n always yet no..

Do u like me no ?, do u love me so?..

An image of u is soothing yet of pain..

N ur illusion lingers ,is it of torment or vain?..

To my heart will not assails of fear or death..

Yet it falters for the fragments of only the you.

When u are smiling the rains would stop…

Thus u are the rains-stopper, the vain-killer..

For the rains struck to bitter the only heart..

Thus u are the sky-brighter , the heart-serener..

Ur complexness fathom omni-knowledge..

A mind so beautiful any wisdom would pledge..

Ur words a yonder, unthoughtful riddles..

A word of love , all souls fiddles..

Every time I see u, its like falling from the sky..

For when it fall its hard to breath, the lungs would cry..

Sensation exhilarates, every heart pumps rakes..

The fall is long way to crash, it is an eternal wait..

N when it crash , its for only you..

For every last of u, it s a new falling to love..

Enjoy :P


"Sesungguhnya Kami mengutus kamu dengan membawa kebenaran sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan. Dan tidak ada suatu umat pun melainkan telah ada padanya seorang pemberi peringatan". (AlQuran 35:24)

quote of the day :D

people cant see ur heart dude :) people can only see the you! imitate ur heart!! do what the inside u want u to do, then people can see whats ur hearts worth ;) if they still cant see it..then they are not worth for you~

Friday, April 23, 2010

quote of the day :D

motto perokok tu: "U will die before me"


knowing her didnt meant to ignored me. is a relief

another dawn for me :)

waitin for subuh prayer.

emm. just played a few match just now. uhh at first won the game like no prblem.
the opponent are either new player or too noob or we are just too good lol.
either way, the following games was horrible, dun want to mention about it.

i got a not so quite good result. messed up the plan i planned before.ah well, another test from me to overcome.

just now i got something unexpected as well =) rather useless in real life, but a hard-to-get prize virtually. x)

my back ache.

uh i want to be taller==
and a wife == lol

i think the muazin is still sleeping ==
oh well who knows

i want money and peace , wonder where can i get those.

oh my life is like a bird's falling feather in the sky ~

Thursday, April 22, 2010

quote of the day :D

Allah S.W.T did not send us sOmeoNe that we love...but Allah S.W.T send us sOmeone that we need. Allah S.W.T knows best about us.


my body and conscious are very happy~
my minds always wonders try to find an escapism but always
being seduced by the dark void of sadness . foolish minds ~
and at the center , the heart felt excruciating pain~

looks like felt dull for it..the immune system began to work lol ><

oh man..the me is not unified ==

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Until my End

the route still far beyond the horizon ,the nature are against u n yet they do not intent to ..n between there n the rugged cloth, the suns glared furiously bringing thirst of pleasure . somehow i dunno the objective of heart's determination but it walks and walks to infinite never end's .kept smiling when it always hurt, kept looking when there's nothing there , there s no excuse for corroding despair.for even for the perilous journeys, there s always a point when u smiled at the pictures u had taken in ur minds. God is fair,God is fair..keep that firm in the mind , we never know everything but He knows all:)


mule dak2 ni ckp gay suke aku . x kot. x sengaje je tu lol.aku pun deny lol. aku cintan cintun kat awek2 je yer. shivers ><
pastu bebrape insiden lucu bersama rakan , telah menyebab kan aku di label sebagai di sukai kanak2 pulak . ok x pe la tu , mke gengster penjenayah cam aku ni pun ade gak bende comel2 nak sayang kan . tehehehe.

skang ni plak.. semut2, kumbang2 rama2 suke sgt dtg kat aku. nak dtg2 xpe, aku da insap.. dah x bunuh da korang2 ni ramai2 =( takut Tuhan murka..tapi x yahlah gigit yer korang2, sakit la , aku time tido mane sedar , komperm aku tepok korang sampai lumat, xpasal je. Behave pls , jgn nakal2 yek pls plssssss x) xmo bunuh korang lg .winks.

smily smile ;)

Its almost six . I heard the azan now , will be going to perform the solah soon.

For certain sumone :) if u read this . i wanted u to be happy, U show me mixed signs , one that contradicts to another.. i think i may understand why u did so.i of all people ,understand u the most ;) . nonetheless ,heard me, that, all i want is u to be happy ,live life happily :). remember, happiness is a choice .and i concluded finally that i want to abolish all of my assumptions about ur feelings towards me unless there is need to do otherwise..
be free , its ur life . Remember Allah is always there aniwhere anitime. winks3 hehee.

the super sensitive yet super stiff,
ME :b

Monday, February 22, 2010


Hey ! ssapp.. this is my 1st blog. didnt even do nothing yet to furbish it :p
will do.. just wait hehe :D